Outreach Fund
St. Thomas' Church designates 3.5% of its pledged income to its Outreach Fund for local emergency needs.
We can provide you with applications from Needs of Dubois, LIEAP for winter heating needs, and may be able to help you find information on other available resources. Don't forget to see if you qualify to use our Community Food Bank!
St. Thomas can also connect you to the Salvation Army Unit in Dubois that works with the Denver Office to have funds available for Transient needs for food, gas and lodging, as well as more local help. Salvation Army rings the bells at Christmas for the well-known Red Kettle campaign with all donations going to local use. There are very few places where all collected donations are used only for the designated local needs. Dubois Super Foods kindly lets us set up and ring out of the reach of the infamous Dubois Wind in their warm lobby, helping to distribute carts from behind us for those coming in, and thanking them for contributions as they leave.